- I'm looking for Choose A Category
- Passes and Tickets
- Kids Camps (hidden)
- Family Summer Adventures (hidden)
- Ski and Snowboard School
- Nursery
- Group Lift Tickets
- Event Deposits
- Renewal
- Testing
- Voucher Products
- Wholesale Tickets
- Winter Adventure Activities
- Other (add ons)
- Adventure Activity Add-Ons (Hidden)
- Bike Park Package Add-Ons (Hidden)
- Winter Add-ons (Hidden)
Reload your daily lift ticket by logging in to your account. Click here!
If after adding a new guest, you still can't assign a person to a product, the new guest is likely the wrong age.
Your pass number start with 1OK0D2A , please copy this text, then fill out the rest as in the highlighted areas below: